Fitness Tips

Step AWAY from the scale!!!

How many times have we been tied to the scale?  I know I'm guilty of it.  We get on the scale sometimes 1, 2, 3 or more times a day wondering if the number has changed at all.  And sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.  But the scale is not the only way to measure progress!!!  Oh, and by the way, you should not weigh yourself more than once per day.  I even suggest picking one day per week to weigh yourself.  If you must weigh yourself once a day, do it first thing in the morning or at least pick the same time every day to weigh yourself.  It really can become an obsession.  And anything that's an obsession is a scary thought and a path that you do not want to go down!

Some of the best ways I've measured my progress are through before and after pictures and measurements.  Yes, I'm suggesting you bust out that old measuring tape!  And quite frankly, most Beachbody programs come with a measuring tape.  They don't just throw it in there for good measure.  It's a great tool that should be used.  While my way of keeping track of my measurements might not be the fanciest, it works for me.  I actually have a half sheet of paper that I keep in my workout area.  I have my measurements from the past year written down, including my body fat percentage.  And just like the scale, I do not suggest measuring yourself every single day.  I have measurements from each time I've started a new program which means I have about 4-5 sets of measurements written down.  Can I just tell you how much of a life saver this has been for me???  While I might not see the scale always moving in the right direction, I can tell you that my measurements have....especially my body fat percentage!  It's not only been a life saver, but a sanity saver!  Real progress doesn't always show on the scale, but the measuring tape and body fat calipers always do.  They're both some of the cheapest (and sometimes free!) equipment out there.  So, don't skip the step in the beginning of your program that says to take your measurements.  You might just need those numbers to rely on when the scale isn't reading that "perfect" number. 

If you're still questioning your progress, here is a link to help answer a few more of your questions:

If you want to know the correct way to take your measurements or before and after pictures, here's additional information for that:

And, if you're looking for a body fat caliper, I suggest going with the old fashioned kind.  The inexpensive plastic one is really your best bet!

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