Friday, May 30, 2014

Yes I Did!!!

Just last week I posted a few tips that I planned on using while on vacation, and I have to share that yes, I did follow these tips! Here's proof! Check out that red, sweaty post workout face!  I did my workouts two out of the four days, went swimming every day, and walked a lot! Let me just say, it was not easy waking up early to get a workout in, but what a relief to have it checked off of my list before heading to the beach for the day. And yes, I did have ice cream while on vacation, but I limited it to two times instead of the usual every single night! I felt a lot less guilt too. :) Let's keep it real here though IS vacation. So we ate rally well for breakfast and lunch, and within reason for dinner. I chose grilled shrimp, steamed lobster tail, and grilled chicken for dinner. I only indulged in crab cakes the last night. I also chose veggies as my sides for every meal. It definitely was a much better choice than the loaded mashed potatoes or mac 'n cheese that most meals came with. Being on the coast made it easy to want to choose fresh seafood delicious! The point of this post really is to just encourage you that you can still go on vacation, enjoy yourself, eat well, and feel good about the choices you made. I tried new things and they were so good. I did not for one second miss any deep fried, fatty, fatness that would just lead to guilt and regret. So if you're headed for a vacation this summer, just plan ahead a little. Research some of the menus for restaurants you plan on going to. Try new things! But most of all, have fun! That's what vacation is for!

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